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It can influence which choke tube is best for maximizing slug performance Can I use a?

Can I use rifled slugs with the Beretta A400 chokes? Rifled slugs are not recommended for use with chokes, as they can damage the barrel. So without further ado, let’s take a look at what choke tube for slugs is appropriate for your setup. As for chokes, my 12 ga is most accurate with a Light Modified choke with Fiocchi slugs, IC with Winchester. Aug 20, 2013 · Rifled slugs are to be used in smooth bore shotguns, you could add a rifled choke tube but that is not necessary20”), is the most constrictive choke you should use with slugs, and never use a FULL choke. Try out the Brenneke slugs as they seem very accurate out of smooth bore guns and do a number on deer. tyree sampson fall video Fortunately, there a. IC is "improved cylinder," best for close-range bird hunting. (IMHO shooting slugs thru a full choke being dangerous is a myth, but that probably should be another thread) Having a lot available in your bag isn't a mistake, but it is a mistake trying to knock down that small popper at 35 yards with a. For slug shooting with a Beretta 1301, it is recommended to use a cylinder or improved cylinder choke for best accuracy and performance. I would use only the cylinder choke or get a rifled choke for sabots. g3722 xanax bar I have a Model 20 JC Higgins 12 ga. What is the difference between cylinder, improved cylinder, and other choke types? The different choke types determine the amount of constriction, which affects the spread of the shot pattern. You can keep slugs from ruining your summer garden. Feb 15, 2022 · Very tight chokes produce small, dense patterns that travel relatively further than open chokes do. I too am using the included IC choke, with slugs in my new Supernova, this season. used mobile homes for sale tupelo ms In ideal environmental conditions, a slug may live up to six years; however, most slugs live two years. ….

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