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Mierová 66 SK-821 05 Bratislava Telefón +421 850 211 110 jura@swisscoffee. A masterpiece of Swiss engineering, the new Z10 doubles the range of specialty coffees. more Z10 - JURA Belgium. A masterpiece of Swiss engineering, the new Z10 doubles the range of specialty coffees. gp halsey Novinka Z10, toto majstrovské dielo švajčiarskeho technického umu, zdvojnásobuje ponuku špeciálnych káv Hneď ako sa dotknete kávovaru Z10, pocítite, čo pre značku JURA znamená skutočná hodnota. Unique 3D brewing technology, allows water to flow evenly through the ground coffee at multiple levels. With its unique 3D brewing technology, it allows the water to flow evenly through the ground coffee at multiple levels. In this process, cold water is slowly pulsed through the. Z10 - JURA Hong Kong. north attleboro craigslist Therefore, if you prefer your daily coffee to. … La nueva Jura Z10 es una auténtica obra maestra de la ingeniería suiza que permite duplicar la gama de especialidades de café. On top of that, it's fairly safe to say that Jura Z10 is a more popular espresso machine, based on its 40+ reviews. With its unique 3D brewing technology, it allows the water to flow evenly through the ground coffee at multiple levels. whats the latest version of google chrome Thanks to the Specialty Selection menu, it's exceptionally easy and intuitive to use. ….

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